
Showing posts from 2021

Future of Mobile App Development

Mobile applications have become an integral part of our day-to-day lives over the last 10 years. We use mobile apps for managing our finances, shopping, online delivery, communication, fitness, making appointments and booking, gaming, entertainment, etc. Every year lots of mobile applications were launched in the market that attracts lakhs of people. One of the major reasons for this sudden increase in mobile app development is the introduction of smartphones. Every single person now owns a smartphone that helps them to carry out the tasks at hand. As the markets are dominated by competitors, many apps are launched with loaded features that attract the attention of apps users. The future looks promising for mobile app development companies. There are several ways the mobile app developers can hold the attention of the customers in the coming years. One of the ways to redefine the landscape of mobile app development is the integration of app development with the latest technologies. Som

How AR & VR Technologies are enhancing the shopping experience?

Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality technologies are slowly transforming the future of shopping for customers as well as for the retail industry. AR and VR technologies have the potential to reshape the way consumers buy products. These technologies are helping the retail industry to provide a better immersive shopping experience for the customers. The use of AR and VR technologies is helping the retail industry to attract more customers to their stores.  By integrating these technologies, retail business owners can provide a try-before-you-buy digital experience for the customers. Customers can use AR and VR technologies to preview how the product will look and try out different patterns and colors before making the purchasing decision. If you are buying a piece of furniture or home decor, you can try out the products and preview how the item will look in your home. This helps the customers to make a better purchase decision and reduce the cost of returns. Using AR and VR, consumers

How to use ChatBots to grow your Small Business?

In the last few years, Chatbots have become an indispensable part of business activities. It helps businesses to interact with customers 24/7 and convert leads without incurring huge costs. Many businesses have integrated chatbots into their official website and apps to empower their sales and marketing. The use of chatbots for business remained exclusively for large businesses till recently. In the last two years, many small businesses have started implementing the Chatbot to drive more sales. Small businesses benefited a lot from using chatbots. The main benefit of using a Chatbot service for small businesses is that it helps in cost-cutting. Many small business firms have a limited number of employees working relentlessly for hours. Chatbots help businesses to take care of customer engagement and provide answers the repetitive customer questions even during the off-hours. This helps the employees to focus on other valuable tasks.  Chatbots helps to increase business productivi

React Native vs. Native App Development

Mobile applications are important tools for business. It helps businesses to connect with people and provide personalized and customized services. Mobile apps played an important role in popularizing online shopping. Users can shop, transfer cash, do bookings, manage finances, entertainment, gaming, etc. using mobile applications. The increase in the use of smartphones users played a huge role for businesses to invest in mobile applications that attract customers and improve business. There are many ways in which you can develop mobile apps. You can make a mobile application using frameworks like Native, React Native, etc. React Native and Native applications are being used for developing mobile applications for years. Let’s see which framework is best for mobile app development: Native or React Native. A native framework is used for developing a mobile application for a particular platform or device. The native framework is best suited for developing resource-intense apps as it ha

Importance of Mobile App Development for Business

Mobile applications have become an inevitable part of our daily lives. There are thousands of mobile applications available on different platforms that help us to manage our finances, online shopping, entertainment, gaming, booking appointments and reservations, and for health and fitness. The industry that benefited the most with the arrival of mobile applications is business. Mobile applications have enabled the business to explore and tap the potential markets that were far from their reach previously. It helped them to expand their business to rural markets also. Today, many businesses have started investing in mobile application development as it has become an integral part of the performance of the business. Let's check the importance of mobile application development in business. Mobile apps help businesses to connect with a wider audience. It also helps to build a strong relationship with the customers which will eventually help to build a strong customer base and brand

What are Progressive Web App & Why We Need Them?

Progressive Web Application or PWA is a type of application software built and delivered through the web. A progressive web application can be accessed on any platform including both desktop and mobile devices. It works on any browser that is compliant with the appropriate web standards. The biggest advantage of a progressive web application is that you can access it from anywhere on any device. Built with a single codebase and enhanced with modern APIs, they are reliable, secure, responsive, and engaging. A progressive web application can take advantage of both web and native app features. There are so many reasons why one should choose progressive web applications over other web applications is that they can eliminate issues like slow networks and can be also be used offline. PWA uses the app cache content in advance and uses it to load data for offline use. The PWA offers a fast and interactive experience for the users. The responsive designs of PWA allow the application to work on

Does your Business need WhatsApp Chatbot?

Being one of the most popular messaging platforms, WhatsApp plays a crucial role in connecting people. Not so recently, WhatsApp has launched the WhatsApp business account feature for benefitting the business community. The WhatsApp business account become an instant among small and medium scale business owners who used the platform to launch their online business during the pandemic. One of the features that WhatsApp offers is the integration of chatbots to your WhatsApp business accounts. The main question here is: Do you need a WhatsApp Chatbot for your business? If you are a business owner who wants to scale your business and provide 24/7 customer support to your customers, then you need to integrate WhatsApp Chatbot into your business account. A WhatsApp Chatbot helps to engage your customers 24/7 and provides quick automated responses to customer queries. It can handle multiple customer chats at a single time. A chatbot can also provide a personalized experience to the custom

Key Features to consider while developing an On-Demand Delivery App

There was a huge surge in the development of the on-demand delivery app, especially during the Covid 19 pandemic. Rather than physically visiting the stores, people started depending on on-demand delivery app services for accessing products and services. This sudden shift to doorstep services has led to companies and individuals investing in the development of on-demand delivery apps. The success of an on-demand delivery app depends on how effective and efficient services are as well as the cool app features that attract users and improve the user experience. It is the unique features of a mobile application that creates excitement among the users. Below are some of the key features that make your on-demand delivery app stand out. Multiple Payment gateways : By adding the multiple payment gateway features, your on-demand delivery app is giving flexibility to its users to use different payment methods for purchasing services or products. Notification & Alerts : The notificatio

Difference between iOS & Android App Development Using React Native

React Native is one such popular framework to develop cross-platform apps. It helps to develop apps supported by both iOS and Android platforms. Even though it is faster and easy to develop iOS and Android apps using React Native, there are certain differences in the development of apps for both platforms. Below are some of the differences between the iOS and Android app development using React Native. Even though React Native uses a single JavaScript codebase for iOS and Android platforms, the design guidelines for iOS and Android apps are different. For example, there are differences in the icons and the navigation patterns of iOS and Android apps. The developers have to keep that in mind during the app development process and make sure that they build the app as per the specific design guidelines followed by each platform. Another difference is the style elements added using React Native looks different in iOS and Android apps. Each platform has specific styles that the developers n

How AR & VR are transforming the Gaming Industry?

New and emerging technologies are creating more opportunities for industries to bring more efficiencies and to develop products that scale their business and attract new customers. The gaming industry is one such industry that comes with new and innovative games that attract millions of people across the world alike. The new technologies Augmented Reality [AR] and Virtual Reality [VR] have become game-changer for the gaming industry. For the past few years, AR and VR technologies have helped to bring revolutionary changes to the gaming industry. It changed the way people interact and engage with the games. These technologies, especially VR technologies allow gamers to experience the best in the artificial gaming world. AR and VR allow the users to interact with the characters and the gaming environment in real-time using a variety of gaming accessories such as VR headsets, hand controllers, sensor-equipped gloves, etc. It also paved way for the revival of 3D in games. Many 3D gam

Why People Leave your Website Early?

Websites are the face of your business. It’s a good platform where you can convince your visitors to become your customer. The success of your business depends hugely on the website. That’s why it is important to build a website that can engage and attract customers. Despite having a good and attractive website, do you feel that visitors to your site are leaving early and not interacting in a way that is helpful to your business? If yes, then it is time to check whether you have the following issues that cause the visitors to leave your website. Relevance of Content : Content that you provide on your website is crucial. If the content is not interesting or it has less relevance to the web visitors, then visitors tend to lose interest and leave the site. Content optimization is important to make sure that your content reaches the targeted audience with the relevant keywords, meta, links, etc.  You also need to make sure that the content is easy to read.  Difficulty in Navigation :

Features of a Great Retail App

Online retail business is booming in this hard time of the Covid-19 Pandemic. Many small and medium businesses also moved their business online as more people find it convenient to purchase online rather than going to physical stores. This has also contributed to the high demand for retail app development.  There are many retail apps available today with incredible features. Below are some of the features that help to make your online retail app accessible to more users.  Multiple Payment Gateway : By adding multiple payment gateways to the retail app, you will be able to provide a better customer experience. It gives customers the flexibility to choose their desired payment option from different payment methods.  Review & Ratings : The product and review option helps customers to give their feedback on their shopping experience and it is also a way for retailers to improve their service and understand what their customers want and need.  Push notifications : Push notificat

Different Types of Mobile Application Development

  Over the years, mobile apps have become the best platform for connecting customers, business, banking, e-commerce, education, communication, entertainment, games, etc. It has become an unavoidable part of our daily lives. Mobile apps play a huge part in providing a personalized experience for customers. It helps to build brand value and loyalty among the customers. Therefore, companies invest a lot in mobile application development. There are mainly three types of mobile application development. They are Native apps, Hybrid apps, and Web apps. A native mobile app is a software application specifically developed to work in a particular mobile operating system such as iOS or Android. The native apps are written in programming languages that the specific platform accepts. Native apps have better interactive UI/UX and can easily interact with the features of the mobile device. They are highly reliable and support both offline and online operations. Hybrid apps is an application that

Benefits of Data-Driven Decision Making

The growth and advancements in modern technologies in recent years are changing every facet of our lives. These technologies now play a significant and crucial role in how we do our business, communication, governments, travel, learning, commerce, etc.   Today, the world revolves around data. Governments and many organizations and business enterprises are collecting, storing, and analyzing zillions of data for making informed decisions. Data-Driven Decision Making [DDDM] is a process in which decisions are made based on the collected data rather than by intuition. The data-driven decision-making process plays a key role in increasing the organizational efficiency of business enterprises. It helps organizations to make informed decisions and predictions based on actual data. These are some of the benefits of data-driven decision-making. DDDM helps business enterprises to make quality and informed decisions regarding their marketing strategies, product launch, etc. With the actual

Applications of Virtual Reality [VR]

Virtual Reality is the latest talk in the town. VR is widely considered the future of technology and has brought a revolutionary change in the world. Technology has the potential to change the industries and the way we learn, teach and perceive things. Since its introduction, the world has embraced VR technology with welcoming hands. At present, many virtual reality applications are being used in different fields such as education, military, entertainment, business, engineering, construction, healthcare, therapies, gaming industry, automobile industry, etc. The healthcare sector has adopted VR technology and is using the technology for bringing out more efficiency. VR applications are now widely used in the healthcare sector for surgeries, therapy and phobia treatment, training, diagnosis, etc. It is also used for helping people with disabilities and trauma. Another area in which VR applications made a huge impact is the Education sector. VR technology helped in the teaching and le

How React became a Popular Front End Development Choice?

React is a free and open-source front-end JavaScript library developed by Facebook. It helps developers to build high-quality user interfaces or UI components for web applications. React has become one of the most popular frameworks for web development in recent years. It has become a preferred and popular choice for front-end development. There are many reasons why developers are preferring React for Front-end development. The main reason for its popularity is that it is very easy to learn. Developers who have Java skills can easily learn the framework React without any difficulty. Another important feature of React is that it allows developers to build rich-user interfaces that are user-friendly. The main benefit of having React is its flexibility. It can be easily integrated with third-party libraries. That is, you can use React to an already existing codebase or start a React project from scratch. React allows developers to save time and energy because of its ability to reuse compo

How Chatbot is Refining Customer Experience?

Chatbots have become an indispensable part of every business. Nearly every business now uses chatbots for providing customer support assistance. Chatbots play a huge role in providing a great and enriching customer experience. It helps businesses to interact with their customers 24/7 and provide a quality service. There are many ways in which Chatbots are helping businesses to improve the customer experience. The main and important benefit of having chatbots is that they provide 24/7 customer support and give immediate assistance to the customers. This helps businesses to address their queries quickly and helps to drive quality leads. More importantly, it helps to engage the customers who visit your official websites or apps. Chatbots help businesses to provide personalized customer services for customers. Based on the purchasing behaviors, chatbots can collect data regarding the customer preferences of individual customers and provide them with product suggestions and recommendati

Importance of Content Marketing to grow your Business

Marketing strategies are important to grow any business in the long run. There are different marketing strategies businesses use to expand their business and to increase their customer base. Content marketing is one of the marketing strategies that will help to keep your business ahead of the competition.   So what is content marketing? “Content marketing is a form of marketing focused on creating, publishing, and distributing content for a targeted audience online”. It helps to generate leads, online sales, increase customer base, brand awareness, and engage customers online. Engaging and value-driven content is needed to build customer loyalty and to promote your business. Content marketing has become an important digital marketing strategy as it helps to address the customer’s needs.  Let’s look at how important content marketing is to grow your business online.  Improve Search Engine Rankings:  Consistent and high-quality content always helps to improve your SEO rankings. Con

Benefits of Cross Platform Mobile App Development

Mobile devices have become an important accessory in the 21st century. Mobile applications are helping people in managing their health, education, entertainment, business, etc. So without a doubt, we can say that mobile application development has become a competitive market. To stay in the competition, it is important to build a strong, innovative, and cost-effective mobile application without compromising the quality.   There are different methods by which you can develop a mobile app. Over the years, the cross-platform framework has emerged as the most trending and popular framework in the mobile app development market. Cross-platform mobile app development means building a single app that can be run on multiple platforms using a single code.  The main benefit of a cross-platform mobile application are as follows:  Cost efficiency : The main advantage of the cross-platform mobile app is that it helps to save a lot of money as you don’t need to develop multiple versions of an app

How are E-commerce Solutions changing in 2021?

The E-commerce industry is gaining popularity and trending among people and businesses in 2021. The pandemic has helped to showcase the potential and importance of the e-commerce industry. E-commerce solutions have helped small and medium businesses to continue their operations during the pandemic.  As people remained inside their homes and were unable to do business during the pandemic, they depended on online services for purchasing and selling groceries, food, essential items, etc. Thereby highlighted the need to incorporate e-commerce solutions in all types of businesses.  At the beginning of the year 2021, we get to see how people are increasingly adopting online platforms for conducting business. The future trends in the e-commerce sector will focus more on providing services directly to customers and provide them with a unique shopping experience using technologies like AR and VR. Taking the present scenario into account, we can be sure that the e-commerce solutions will c

Importance of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

  The Evolution of technology has helped usher into an age of productivity. The latest technological advancements have helped to make remarkable progress in the fields of science, business, telecommunications, agriculture, healthcare, education, etc. Of the many remarkable technological advancements, the most important and trending technologies are Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine learning. Machine Learning and Artificial Learning are the two most important technologies that are correlated to each other. Artificial Intelligence is the ability demonstrated by machines that are capable of performing tasks that require human intelligence. The term is applied to any machine that is capable of performing human traits such as learning, problem-solving, reasoning, understanding verbal commands, etc. Machine Learning is the study of computer algorithms that improve automatically through experience and by the use of data. Machine learning algorithms build a model based on data to ma

Website or web app: Which one is Apt for your Business?

In this digital world, every business should digitalize to connect with the customers and to grow the business. Tools like websites, web applications, and mobile applications help to ensure the online presence of your business. It helps to promote your business and helps to connect with your customers. However, the one question that puts you in a dilemma would be which one to choose for your business: a website or a web application? For that, it is important to know what is a website and web application, and how it differs from each other? Let us help you to narrow it down for you. A website is a collection of web pages and related content that is identified by a common domain name and published on at least one web server. Websites are informative and static. It is readily available to users via a browser and across a range of devices. Websites are easy to navigate and users can extract relevant information that meets their needs from the sites. A web application is application s

Mobile App Development Life Cycle

Mobile apps have become an inevitable part of our daily life. Ever since smartphones have become our constant companion, the mobile app developing industry has become a booming industry. Every year new and innovative apps are introduced in the market. Tremendous hard work and lots of effort are required while developing a new mobile app.  Have you ever wondered what is the process behind the development of a successful mobile app? Let's check the development process of a mobile app.  Planning : It is the preliminary stage of the mobile app development process. The planning helps to get insights into the target audience, current market trends, cost projection for app development, etc. It also helps to craft the perfect marketing strategies for the app.  Technical Documentation: It is the manual for your mobile app. It explains the use, functionality, architecture, or design of the product. The documentation describes all the technical requirements needed for mobile app develop